
My reality is entirely comprised of what I choose to put my attention on.

Realize I can control every situation by

controlling the thoughts I chose to focus my attention on.

Remember, thinking means, ‘to have a thought’.

Thought means, ‘to bring into a given condition by mental pre occupation.’

And given is  ‘accepted as a fact’ with the condition being ‘the event itself’ and this is all happening because I am preoccupied and absorbed in ‘full attention’ of the thought.

We all have the ability to chose the thoughts we want.

We also have the ability to keep or not to keep the thoughts

As I continue on, the time will come when I will not even have to think about controlling the thoughts because I have finally created a new habit.

Soon that particular person or thing or situation that always caused me to react,  will cease coming to me since it no longer can get a negative reaction from  me.

It’s pretty cool knowing I am  the controlling factor in my mind.

In my life.



         HERE                         HERE

