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Prison of Beliefs


Who am I? What am I?  Why am I here? Am I real?

In the beginning of ancient man, the people formed opinions of how things were. They had no proofs and no foundation for their opinions but still they adhered to them and those un proven opinions, that over time became beliefs, and were pasted down from generation to generation until finally the people accepted them as factual…Without any proof. And that is where I now find myself.

My current life  reality is…I’M born and live awhile …then I die. What was the point in that? WHAT WAS THE POINT?

Some are born and live a 1oo years all that time they struggle and suffer in various ways…then die. That is one of my current ‘beliefs.’  So what was or is the point in that?

Well, I have decided that if I am going to have ‘beliefs,’ I want to understand what a ‘belief’ is and to see if my current ‘beliefs’ make any sense to me, of who, what and where I really am. And most important…am I something real out here.

Since everything begins as an opinion which then becomes a belief, and since my life is controlled by all my beliefs, it may be good for me to understand my current beliefs and how I got them.

And if my life is comprised of my beliefs, I need to understand what a ‘belief’ is.  So with the help of a dictionary, a dictionary because most words have many different meanings and as today I  have agreed NOT to accept the definitions of others and to repeat,  since it was someone else’s  understanding of what a belief is, I have put myself in a prison of the opinions and beliefs of others. Handed down, and in most cases, ancient handed down ones.

Yes, I am living in a prison of beliefs. My  prison has no doors to hold me in, but   I  am a prisoner by agreeing to the beliefs I  have been taught were the facts and the truths, never realizing  I could choose my own meanings for the word belief and create my own beliefs.

What exactly are ‘belief? First a ‘belief’  is a ‘mental act.’

A mental act is what takes place in my mind, as thoughts. That would mean that my ‘beliefs’ of who and what, where I am…are my beliefs from my thoughts. BUT…are they really ‘my’ beliefs? My own thoughts?  If they are my ‘beliefs’ where did they come from?

 A ‘belief’ is also a ‘habit of placing trust in person, things and faiths.’  So, who and what am I agreeing to trust? Things man has told me, or will I place my trust in my Inner Intelligent Self?

Belief is, ‘a mental acceptance of something without the full intellectual knowledge required to guarantee its being a fact.’

  Belief is a, ‘conclusion‘ not based on a fact..

Belief is an, ‘assurance of the truth of something‘t  with nothing to prove its true.

Belief is, ‘a certainty, a conviction in, an alleged fact as true without positive knowledge or proof.

Belief is,‘ trust and confidence, as in a person’s abilities’.

 Belief is never truths, because a truth is not changeable...ever.

A‘ belief is a ‘vague idea’ or a ‘mental picture.’

That is because that’s what an ‘idea’ is, ‘a mental picture in your mind.’ I must really understand that vague is ‘a fact that has not been verified’ and verified is ’a fact whose truth can be proved;’ Verified means ‘supported by evidence or proof.’  So I need some good proofs if I want out of my prison of beliefs, and I will find them.

Belief is, ‘to believe.’ Believe is, ‘to suppose,’ and ‘suppose’ is to assume everything I have been taught about life…being born, being young then old…well, then sick, happy then sad and then one day die and go to heaven or hell. These are the beliefs that I have been taught to believe.

When I  believe something, I am believing it for one of three reasons. First I have ‘evidence.’ Evidence though is not always as it appears. Take the evidence of a flat earth. After thousands of years of the wrong belief, taking for granted, without proof that the earth was flat, the belief was proven incorrect. The earth was never flat. There was at that time no proof the earth was round, so mankind believed what the evidence showed them…a flat earth.

The second reason I  believe something is ‘tradition.’ Tradition is ‘ the handing down of beliefs, from generation to generation’, again in most cases with no proof. The third reason I  believe something is true is ‘authority‘. Authority means the ‘power or right to direct the thoughts of others.’ Since someone with ‘authority’ tells me  something is true, it must be true. That means I will be believing the opinions and beliefs of those who supposedly due to certain credentials in front of in back of their names have proof….but do they?

I will always know when I am in the prison of my  beliefs by the way I react to what I  think my  body is feeling, good or bad. While I am in the prison of mu beliefs, I  will always want to react, but to get out of that prison, I can not react to anything. Good or bad, because there is NOT good and bad, there is just beliefs I have been taught. My prison is a mental prison and the bars are my thoughts. My prison is a mental prison and the bars are my thoughts.

My beliefs most likely have been formed from those I  have placed my confidence in, without seeing any proof. These beliefs are what will inform me of when I am sick…when I am well…when I am happy and when I am sad.

These beliefs are what I have used as a guide for my life’s experiences. I  have been programmed with the beliefs of those before me and it will be these agreed to beliefs that will become my life’s joys and burdens. All my hopes and dreams, all my desires have come from what the world as a whole believes…about everything.

So today mankind, me, lives my reality from the beliefs of those before me.

A belief is, ‘a mental agreement’ that what you have been told about everything is FACTUAL.

Dr. Joseph Murphy wrote ‘You always will demonstrate you belief’.

It is an accepted fact that man can produce apparent effect on his body by means of seeing his beliefby his mental agreement with a thought.

Everything that is going on in my world is because I have given my approval to the opinions and beliefs of others. The belief will always come first, and the strongest beliefs I do have are the ones that create my human reality.

The reality of my  world is only what I have agreed to t is… for nothing can exist for me without me having it in my mind. In my own thinking. Once there, it takes form by me believing and agreeing with it. Outside of my beliefs …there is nothing. It is hard to divest myself from my beliefs, but I am really working on it.

My prison guard is my habit. My habit of going along with handed down opinions and beliefs instead of finding my own beliefs. And so long as I go along with my habit of trusting the beliefs I have been taught by others, I will remain a prisoner because those beliefs were not founded on proof, but on the beliefs of the ones   before them and since thoughts are the process that creates my  reality, why not let my mind re label the thoughts to my own  personal beliefs, thereby creating the reality I  choose.

  I  have agreed to accept. Everything that is going on in my world is because I have given my approval to the opinions and beliefs of others. The belief will always come first, and the strongest beliefs I do have are the ones that create my human reality.

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” Budda



     HERE                  HERE                       HERE

About babarahs

I was born with an Inquiring Mind and I love all things weird. Weird like UFO'S-Mysticism-Ancient Beings-Really ODD stuff found in the Bible. I do not believe in the reality that has been handed down to me. I believe there is only one Reality....Consciousness. I was also born with a great spiritual desire ...which does NOT include any religion or their beliefs.

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