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Mental Image

Dictionary Meaning For

Mental Image

“A mental image is an experience that, on most occasions, significantly resembles the experience of perceiving some object, event, or scene, but occurs when the relevant object, event, or scene is not actually present to the senses.”

My life and all the external appearances that I view are only my mental images. It will be these mental images that will project out as my personal reality.

It seems nothing in my reality lasts. When the scientist tell us they have now proved something, we all agree and continue along…until we once again are told by the same scientist…oh this is now your new truth.

And today we are being told by scientists in Japan that they can take images inside your mind and actually display on a computer monitor. How weird is that?

Or how weird is it that scientists at UC Berkeley are using a magnetic resonance imaging scanner to extract what a person is seeing from their brainwaves. They are also working on a way for people to record their dreams and then watch them later on a computer.

How about mind reading. If I ever wanted to know what someone was thinking, well I just might be able to because now the scientists are saying everyone can read minds.

How about my dog? Do I want to know what she is thinking? Well  I may be able to one day because now scientists are using brain scans to see what dogs are thinking.

Yes ,That is true.

‘I  must not count too much on my now reality as I live  it today, since like yesterday, it may prove an illusion for  tomorrow.Luigi Pirandello

“I reject your reality and substitute it for my own.” Adam Savage (

“Facts as facts do not always create a spirit of reality, because reality is a spirit.”Gilbert K. Chesterton

Our intention creates our reality.Wayne Dyer

“Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one” Albert Einstein




About babarahs

I was born with an Inquiring Mind and I love all things weird. Weird like UFO'S-Mysticism-Ancient Beings-Really ODD stuff found in the Bible. I do not believe in the reality that has been handed down to me. I believe there is only one Reality....Consciousness. I was also born with a great spiritual desire ...which does NOT include any religion or their beliefs.

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