

‘the physical structure and material substance’

‘physical is consisting of matter’

 A meaning for the word ‘matter ‘ is, ‘the actual substance of a thought.’

Does that mean I am only a thought?

   Bishop Berkeley, an 18th century Irish philosopher noted that all we are ever directly aware of are the ‘…ideas in our mind.’ Interesting.

I found that as the scientific world gathers new information, they are telling us that our entire human reality is nothing more than a bunch of swirling atoms.

‘the body in its external aspect.’

External is ‘pertaining to the outward appearance or show is telling me that my entire human reality is nothing more than a bunch of swirling atoms.

 Is that all I am ? A bunch of swirling atoms? Well if I and my  human reality is made up of atoms, I should then understand a little about atoms.

As I investigated ‘atoms’ I was shocked to find that according to Quantum Physics the deeper they investigate  into how atoms work, they discovered there is nothing there – just energy waves.

Does that mean as a ‘person’ I am just energy waves? And as a ‘person’ I am really only an ‘image’ in my mind?

Why  Einstein and many other advanced thinkers believed…

There is no proof that me as a person, is the real me.  Just because I have been programmed from birth to believe that I am a person with a body,  does not necessarily prove that is what or who I really am.

Those supposedly smart know it all MEN who program me, usually end up WRONG. Example



Age is also a ‘gradual advancement to a different state’ and that is where I am now headed as I continue to move ahead on to the magical kingdom, so I will keep investigating the word age. 

Age is to ’mature,’ and  in keeping with all that I have learned, it is no wonder that mature is to ’work out fully in your mind.’ 

Mature is also, ‘ripe’ and ripe is to be ‘ready.

Am I really ready to keep advancing on to find the ultimate reality?


Mental Image

Dictionary Meaning For

Mental Image

“A mental image is an experience that, on most occasions, significantly resembles the experience of perceiving some object, event, or scene, but occurs when the relevant object, event, or scene is not actually present to the senses.”

My life and all the external appearances that I view are only my mental images. It will be these mental images that will project out as my personal reality.

It seems nothing in my reality lasts. When the scientist tell us they have now proved something, we all agree and continue along…until we once again are told by the same scientist…oh this is now your new truth.

And today we are being told by scientists in Japan that they can take images inside your mind and actually display on a computer monitor. How weird is that?

Or how weird is it that scientists at UC Berkeley are using a magnetic resonance imaging scanner to extract what a person is seeing from their brainwaves. They are also working on a way for people to record their dreams and then watch them later on a computer.

How about mind reading. If I ever wanted to know what someone was thinking, well I just might be able to because now the scientists are saying everyone can read minds.

How about my dog? Do I want to know what she is thinking? Well  I may be able to one day because now scientists are using brain scans to see what dogs are thinking.

Yes ,That is true.

‘I  must not count too much on my now reality as I live  it today, since like yesterday, it may prove an illusion for  tomorrow.Luigi Pirandello

“I reject your reality and substitute it for my own.” Adam Savage (

“Facts as facts do not always create a spirit of reality, because reality is a spirit.”Gilbert K. Chesterton

Our intention creates our reality.Wayne Dyer

“Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one” Albert Einstein




My Body

Why do I have an aging, weak, unhealthy painful body?

Just where does my body, and my world come from?

Doesn’t everything come from my mind? Yes.

So it is my ‘mind’ that is telling me everything.

What is a ‘mind.’

Mind means ‘imagination.’  Imagination means ‘mental images.’

Mental means ‘done by the mind.’

If so, that means my body, in fact my whole world are done my own mind alone. That means my body of its own can and does not do or cause anything in or on my body,

Because everything is done through my own mind, and my mind can only  create mental images.


That all means my body is NOT affected by ‘time’ or ‘diseases’ or ‘pains’ because my body is only a ‘mental image.’

I have no real body…I only have ‘mental images,’ and since I cant fix ‘mental images’ I need to stop trying to.

Instead I must get rid of the ‘mental images’ from my mind.

So back to the word meaning for ‘mind.’ 

Mind means ‘focus of thought.’

Okay, so exactly what are thoughts?

Thought means to ‘think,’ and ‘think’ means to ‘form an expression,’ which means to ‘form an image.

An ‘image’ is ‘a mental picture that is not real nor present.’

That would mean my body is NOT something real and present. My body is ONLY a ‘picture in my mind’ and cant get out of my mind.

If a ‘thought’ means to ‘think’ and if ‘think’ means to ‘bring into a given condition’…  

That means it is my own ‘though,’ my own ‘mental images’ that tell me about my body and not my body.

Could all that be the reason ancient Jesus told us

Do not have any thoughts. None.

Did he know the body, in fact ALL things are only ‘mental images’ and are NOT real or present?

It is so true, no thoughts…no mental images,

Which would mean


No body to age, or to be weak, in pain or unhealthy.


Okay, then instead of trying to help, fix, or to try and do anything for the body-the ‘mental image’ that is not real and present…

Instead do as Jesus recommends…

‘Cast down imaginations, and bringing into captivity every thought…’

Since imagination means ‘mental images done by the mind,’ then it would be the ‘mental images’ that need to be brought into captivity.’


The above is going to be my new project



HERE                      HERE


my body

What the word BODY Means
According to
A body a, ‘material structure’
material means, ‘not intelligent’

If the body is ‘not intelligent‘…how does it do anything?

How does it move or how does it feel?

Body means ‘substance’  which means ‘something real.’
Real means ‘unchanging.’

If the body were really real….it would not be capable of changing itself….going from young to old….healthy to unhealthy….or any number of ways it changes itself.

Something REAL cannot change. It is what it is.

So then…how can my body be Real?

Body means a ‘person’ and  ‘person’ means an ‘appearance’.

Appearance means a ‘false showing’.

A ‘person’ is a false show. A FALSE SHOW.

If the body were REAL it would be unchanging and because the body is ALWAYS changing-it can not be real. It must be a ‘false show’.

Something REAL does not… cannot change.

The body is just an illusion of the senses…’s a ‘false show’and absolutely nothing more. Something real does not change….it is what it is.

So then, if my body is real…why is it always changing ?

Why Do I Have A Body?

If Consciousness fills every bit of space..

Then it doesn’t need the body for anything

Everything would be mental.

So why do I have a body at all? Just because I have been programmed from birth that the material laws are true…does that mean they are?
Remember…A person which I am…is only a
‘False Show’ing

Can my body exist without thoughts to think it?

I don’t think so.

Without human thought there is no life, no anything ‘out there’.

Is there something stronger than Consciousness…something called matter? If I  believe there is… I  defeat the Power of Consciousness.

My body is ‘physical’ and ‘physical ‘means ‘something apart from the mind.’ So if my body is apart from the mind…how does the body ever
do anything?

I just don’t get it…. if the body is apart from the mind…where does the body get its information to look or feel a certain way?
How can something …the body do anything without a mind?



  HERE            HERE            HERE

About  470 Years Later Jesus Said The Same Thing

It was Jesus who told me, ‘Having eyes I see not.’

No, what my eyes are seeing are ‘mental images’ of my thoughts. Whatever I see with my eyes is never something real…be it good or bad. Just my thoughts.

Eyes means to ‘to perceive.’  Which is the ‘ability to see.’ And ‘see’ is ‘to become aware.’ So when I see something, that is telling me to ‘become aware’ of where what I am seeing, is coming from?

Which is a thought. Think about that.

Since eyes is to ‘perceive’ is also to ‘recognize,’ then that means I must recognize that what I am seeing is first, only and always a thought.

The word ‘see’ means  to ‘understand.’

So then is ‘see’ something I must truly ‘understand’ it is not something real.

Just like when I am seeing water on a hot desert road…it seems to be there, but never is. It’s a thought of water on the road. An illusion.

The word ‘see’ also means to ‘follow.’ So that tells me I must always follow what I am seeing, back to its source

A Thought.


So then…all I can ever see are my own thoughts and that is why I have been told… Having eyes you see not.’ Mark-8-18




HERE                     HERE                     HERE


Who am I? What am I? Where am I?

What is the truth about ME?

After years of trying to find out, the only thing I have found out is…

There is no truth about ME.

That is the reason I could never find it. There is not and never was a ME. Never.

Okay, so how did I come to that realization? Well, first I thought…

Do I really believe in a inner Something?

Something that is filling ALL SPACE

Something called….Consciousness

ALL and not even a little space left for anything else?

Do I?

Yes. I do.

Well if I do, then who or what is ME… if  Consciousness really fills ALL space. Where is the space for ME?

How can I ever understand…there is no ME.

 Okay, so why is there no ME?

Who or what is the ME with all the things that happens to ME,  the person between being born and dying? The ME who is sometimes well and sometimes sick. Sometimes happy and sometimes sad.  Just who is this ME that I can see and feel?


Where did this Me that I see and feel come from?

I was taught to think of my  flesh and blood body as who and what I am…while existing in a physical world.

I have believed the handed down opinions which are ‘personal beliefs not founded on proof’ about who and what I am.


There is no proof that my body is the real me.  Just because I  have been programmed from birth to believe that my body is who and what I am does not necessarily prove it is.

I have been taught to believe that what I see is real and from the time I  can remember and because I was so programmed, I have thought I was a person. Well get this…

A person is defined as a

‘perception in the mind.’


Could that really be what I am


 Ok, I think I got it

There is no ME.

There never was a ME.

Once I got it…just a little of it…

Understanding started to take over.

And over the years, my understanding grows deeper, leading me out of this realm, into a totally magicial INNER REALM.

It took a  long, long time, but happily I am now only dealing with


And not with all the handed down understanding from others.








       HERE                             HERE                         HERE

My Movie

The Picture Show

When I go to the movies, I am there to watch a show.

Show means a ‘pretense.’

So I am there to watch a pretense.

I am not there to believe what I see.

If I stay at the show I am now part of the audience. That doesn’t mean I have to like the show just because all the others seem to be taken in with all the pretense. But I stay, just to see whats next.

The show I am watching is a big production of someone who has brought their thoughts to the screen for others to see.

Someone’s show, thoughts, being presented to me. Since I am not chained to my seat, I   do not have to watch it and I can get up and leave.

Well so it is with all human life. It’s all a show.

I think it is time to write my own show, using my thoughts thereby creating the show, the pretense I want to see.

So now I think, when I sit in front of my computer and look at the screen, I see I  have many options and  many subjects on which to view. By me pushing a key a new subject appears and now fills the screen. My mind then is paying attention only to that screens subject and not all the subjects left behind.

My  life is like that screen. There are daily many subjects to choose from. Many beliefs to choose to watch, simply by hitting a key. A thought.

I realize the movie film I watch in a theater is a rapid secession of images on a screen  that create an illusion I am watching. And that is true of my human reality, a secession of my mental images, my thoughts being watched.

My out here human reality is simply me watching the movie my thoughts are creating…just a show, a pretense.

My  entire world that I live in out here are pictures coming from my mind, reflecting out as my reality.

Well the reality of today is also slowly disappearing as did the flat earth theory of its time. Today, globally there are thousands upon thousands of people who are not agreeing to stay in the pre packaged life in the box, the programmed reality that has been handed down to them and are looking for something that makes more sense.

People Like Me

People around this world of appearances are finding another reality. A wonderful magical,  and it is the mystery of this invisible world that is drawing man to explore it.

That mysterious realm found only within each of us.

I am done watching movies, pretenses of an unreal, reality.

Movies, pretenses I have created.

A pretense is a ‘false show of something.

My entire human reality is not something real, it is just me watching my own thoughts, and it is these thoughts that create my own movie. Nothing more.

So when I realize that I am watching my self created  movie, I can get up and leave if I do not like the show I am seeing.



It is NOW time to re write my human reality movie and write it the way I want to watch it…and then live it.






HERE                  HERE              HERE


To date my life has consisted of me reacting… out of  Habit.

It is very hart to re program oneself, but the good news is….I can.

I can choose new ways to think. Choose new thoughts to focus on.

I can let  go of old habits, and I can let go of old ways of thinking and I must remember the entire process of thought controls takes a serious dedication. A true willingness to encounter each and  every thought.

A devoting to analyzing that thought to see if it’s worth keeping,  since all my suffering as well as all my happiness is coming from a thought.

To break my habit, I must begin to really notice them and if a thought is not a good thought

If it is a good thought,




Who am I? What am I? Where am I?

What is the truth about ME?  After years of trying to find out, the only thing I have found out is…there is no truth about ME.  That is the reason I could never find it.

There is not and never was a ME. Never.

Okay, so how did I come to that realization?

Well, first I thought… Do I really believe in a inner Something? A Something I will call Consciousness?

A Something /Consciousness that is ALL…ALL and not even a little space left for anything else? Do I?

Yes. I do.

Well if I do, then who or what is ME… if the inner Something/Consciousness/God really fills ALL space. Where is the space for ME?

How can I ever understand…there is no ME.

Okay, so why is there no ME?

Who or what is the ME with all the things that happens to ME,  the person between being born and dying? The ME who is sometimes well and sometimes sick. Sometimes happy and sometimes sad.  Just who is this ME that I can see and feel?

WHO? What? Is ME?

Where did this ‘me’ that I see and feel come from?

Going to the beginning of what I think I know, I find I and all mankind has been taught to think of his flesh and blood body as who and what he is. While existing in a physical world.

We believe  the handed down opinions which are

personal beliefs not founded on proof’

About who and what we are.

There is no proof that the body is the real ‘me.’  Just because I have been programmed from birth to believe that my body is who and what I am, does not necessarily prove it is.

I have been taught to believe that what I see is real and from the time I can remember and because I was so programmed, I  have thought I was a person. Well get this…A person is defined as a

‘perception in the mind.’

I think I got it

There is no ‘me.’

There never was a ‘me’.

As a ‘person’ all I am is a



Perception is to ‘perceive’ which means to identify by means of the senses.’ That is sad, because the senses are forever telling me incor rect things, like a


Water on a hot desert road

My question to myself is…



How Did I Get Out Of Consciousness…

To Be, ‘me’?


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